Sofia Ripper

sofia ripper

Sofia (@_sofiaripper_) was born and raised in Orange County and has always been art focused. She recently graduated from college where she studied printmaking and is currently mentored by Adam Vu Noir (@adamvunoir). Sofia practices tattooing on kewpie dolls which also influences her work. She draws inspiration from classical tattoo imagery and the fine line black and grey style.

Instagram @_sofiaripper_


(323) 928-2892


3321 West Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles,
California 90026

Obsidian LA Tattoo ranks among the top tattoo studios in the Silver Lake district of Los Angeles; we have a diverse group of artists with a wide range of unique tattoo styles. Our doors are open to anyone and everyone, and we can't wait to bring your vision to life.

Instagram   @ObsidianLosAngeles